Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome Officer

Dial K for Murder

Chief Commissioner Walker received a phone call this morning in which the County Hospital reported a death.

At first it had been thought that Johnathan Shepard had died of natural causes, but now the coroner is not so sure.
The main reason for his doubt is the fact that the blood tests showed very high potassium (K) levels , but the previous afternoon, he had gone to his dialysis session, and he had submitted to some blood tests.  The results had been normal.

Our detectives will help you gather evidence, but it is up to you to interpret it and determine whether the late Johnathan Shepard died of natural causes, or if there was foul play in his death.

Go to the different divisions on the lab.  On each division you will find that one of our detectives has already collected information for you.

In Interrogation you will find Detective María Cristina Labraña.
In Trace you will find Detective Francesca Di Marco.
In Ballistics and Forensics you will find Detective Rafael Miranda.
In Identification and DNA you will find Detective Katherin Corona.
In Autopsy you will find Detective Rosana Martins.

Visit the different divisions, and remember that people lie, but the evidence doesn't.